The U2DREL Utility for Reading Two Dimensional Real Arrays

©1995,1996 Richard B. Winston

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Last modified on Wednesday, January 31, 1996 - 7:21:32 PM

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The original instructions for U2DREL are on pages 14-4 to 14-5 of McDonald and Harbaugh (1988).

Introduction: U2DREL is a utility module that is used to enter two dimensional arrays of real numbers.

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Input Instructions

All input parameters (except FMTIN) should be right justified

Line 1; Spaces 1-10; Variable = LOCAT

LOCAT does two things; it tells where to find the data that is in the two dimensional array and it tells whether the data is formatted or not. Normally the data is formatted. You might want to use unformatted data if you were using the output of a previous model run as the initial conditions for another model. LOCAT should be right-justified. LOCAT is in integer so you should not use a decimal point. Most of the time, you would set LOCAT > 0. If LOCAT < > 0, the value that you specify for LOCAT is the "unit number". That is, it is the number assigned to the file which has the data. You probably assigned the unit number in line 4 of the Basic Package. If you specify a unit number which you have not assigned previously, the program should prompt you for the file name during program execution.

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Line 1; Spaces 11-20; Variable = CNSTNT

The meaning of CNSTNT depends on the value of LOCAT. CNSTNT should be right justified..

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Line 1; Spaces 21-40; Variable = FMTIN

This gives the FORTRAN format for the values in the array that will be read. FMTIN is used only if LOCAT > 0. Otherwise the spaces reserved for FMTIN should be left blank. The format must be enclosed in parentheses. FMTIN need not be right justified.

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Line 1; Spaces 41-50; Variable = IPRN

IPRN indicates that the array should be printed with a specific FORTRAN format. IPRN is in integer so you should not use a decimal point.
If IPRN < 0, the array will not be printed
If IPRN = 0, the format will be 10G11.4
If IPRN = 1, the format will be 10G10.3
If IPRN = 2, the format will be 9G13.6
If IPRN = 3, the format will be 15F7.1
If IPRN = 4, the format will be 15F7.2
If IPRN = 5, the format will be 15F7.3
If IPRN = 6, the format will be 15F7.4
If IPRN = 7, the format will be 20F5.0
If IPRN = 8, the format will be 20F5.1
If IPRN = 9, the format will be 20F5.2
If IPRN = 10, the format will be 20F5.3
If IPRN = 11, the format will be 20F5.4
If IPRN = 12, the format will be 10G11.4

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The Array itself

On the following lines you enter the values that go in the array if those values aren't supposed to be in some other file. Be sure that the data are in the format you specified in FMTIN. It's OK if a line ends early so long as there are no blank spaces at the end of the line. If there are blank spaces, those may be interpreted as 0's.

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Let's suppose you are trying to enter the following array with 2 columns and 3 rows

0.006360 0.00027
0.035450 0.00084
0.000830 0.00083

The first two lines below show positions on the line in the examples which follow. Those two lines do not go into the input file. In this example, we are reading the array on unit 10. We could enter the data as follows:



As always, I'm using

to indicate blank spaces.

Another way to enter the data would be:


The first lines of these examples say that the array should be read from unit 10 (LOCAT) and then multiplied by 1E-4 (CNSTNT). In the input file, the values in the array are in the 20F5.1 format (FMTIN) and they will be printed in the 10G11.4 format (IPRN) after being multiplied by 1E-4 (CNSTNT). The final printed values in the output as specified by IPRN and the numbers used in subsequent calculations will be:


Please note that I wasn't required to use up all 20 places on a line in the input file before starting a new line.

If you are confused, you may wish to review FORTRAN formats.

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©1995,1996 Richard B. Winston,
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La 70803
Fax 504-388-2302